Friday 17 February 2012


well its been a while.....
nothing really exciting has happened......:/
still at college not really liking it as much now cause ive learned everything and its just practice now it gets boring when you repeat everything day in day out.
I've also realized im not as popular as i thought xD and i really dont care

on the plus side ive done a bit of shopping a little while back and once i gather everything back together (i've worn most of it) ill post some pics I ADORE primark which is where i done most of my shopping xD but I did get some nice stuff :D

IT SNOWED! ill post a few pics of warrens snowman later on it was so funny it had candles for eyes!

I went to see Omid Djalili! it was so funny! it was my valentines gift from Warren we had a really good night and really enjoyed ourselves I only have a few pictures but ill post them

We had some funny times doing a secret santa at college and ill also post the pics for that!

SOOOO many pics!

we still have the dog :) My little lollypop is still with us and has got really big :D

I'll update more later <3