Monday 27 June 2011

Busy few days!!

It's been a few days since I updated and my god has it been busy!
On saturday I had fire training (The public relations sector) and I was doing a school fete and I had some right little horrors I had pennys thrown at my head and was pelted with sponges I nearly got in a fight with an air cadet because I said excuse me she didn't move so I was less polite next time I told her to move! and she tried picking a fight I just walked away and was then told I out rank them any way so they need to show me respect all the time :D I was very smug as you can imagine! Their marching was a total shambles they where out of line with each other out of time clumsy tripping over nothing the lot then they had to salute our fire personell that was even funnier. oh well I got a monster cupcake it was pink with edible glitter and a litte marzipan heart and it tasted delicious :D

On Sunday I walked up Karleighs it was so hot I got my legs out and just ended up burning my chest really really bad its really sore!
We spent the day up karleighs we ate cheese on toast :) and just dossed it was much cooler inside than it was out doors and so much more comfertable

Its red raw!!
at 11 o clock last night my dad decided to start a row about karleigh he called me a little bitch so I called him a dick very mature I know but now we are cool I suppose it all started because apparently Karleigh is banned from the house bull and shit! He said she might be able to stay tomorrow so I win again :)
I got snap happy with karleigh I'll post the pics in a second Sunday was a good day

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