Tuesday 2 August 2011

Im back!

its been a great weekend! I was so tired yesterday when I got home so I just crashed lol any way ill upload the pics soon but heres what happened

we went to the barn in the morning and moved the stuff to the van ready to be transported to hemmel hempstead for the weekend me and emma helped out jumped in the back of the cramped rapier and we left we got stuck in traffic several times but we kepts our spirits up and had a laugh.
once we got there we unpacked the tent and got it all put up and ready for our stuff to go in to then waited for the other two to turn up with the van so we could really start unpacking and getting sorted. Once they did turn up we did start getting all the cooking stuff unpacked and ended up going to a chippy...well me and emma where unpacking everyone elses stuff whilst every one else went to the chippy with out telling us -__-
we all ate and then sat aroud having a laugh and a chat with a can of kronenburg each.
We all crawled in to bed at about ten past eleven and it was a rough night I couldnt get to sleep it was cold and loud and annoying so I had the worse nights sleep going.
The next morning I woke up at about 8 and was groggy and horrible my head was all fuzzy and I just felt crappy my hayfever falred up during the day which made me feel even worse but by the evening I was in the beer tent with cranberry and vodka and I was okay...until my creepy ex asked me back out and when I said no he got the right ump and ignored me for the rest of the weekend! During the night I managed to kick my way out of my sleeping bag and I was asleep in minus two and only in jogging bottoms and a tokio hotel t-shirt emma ended up waking up sally and dave because i was shivering that bad she thought I was fitting in my sleep! the next morning I was lucky just to wake up with a rotten cold! which I still have now! we done a few displays and I helped some kids hold the hoses and aim them taught them a bit about our rapier and helped them get in and out theres just something about emergency vehicles that kids love I'm not sure if its the drama or the lights and sounds but there is just something about them. ANYWAYS! we began to pack up and get sorted at about midday we all pitched in and had 2 tents a gazebo and luggage for 6 people packed up and on the van by 6 then we left it was  agreat weekend but by the tome we where at the barn putting the motors away it was 9:15 and I just really wanted to go home I got home unpacked got in to bed and crashed it was great to be able to sleep in my own bed amazing infact lol!
I'm all ready to do it all again next weekend only this time in lingfield in surrey ;)

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