Sunday 16 October 2011

Wow its been a while....

so much has happened I don't even know where to begin!
the start seems like a good place so since the last time I posted....
I have started my beauty therapy NVQ in college and I'm really enjoying it it's all so exciting a fresh new start I've made loads of friends and I've formed some really close bonds with a few girls Sophie, Sophia, Amy, hannah, emma and ashleigh. I'm doing really well with the work passed two exams and got a star form too :D I've learned waxing eyelash & eye brow tinting manicures massages facials steaming and extraction! The whole shabang! I passed my G20 health and safety unit and am finally on top of things its nothing like sixth form. One of the students at the college is soon to be taking part in the 2012 paralympic games and to pep this student up we held a relay in which a few sports students carried a mock olympic torch made by the metal work students the two mile journey to the madistone campus the whole college was out for the start of the race which was started by olympic gol triple jumper Larry Achike me and some of the girls in my class got to meet him afterwards and he was the perfect gentleman. You can find out more about him here...
from left Sophia me larry emma shannon and down in front is our tutor hannah
also whilst at the college we learned special effects make up which is where i got my bar fight wound from
it looks so real! thats sophies handy work! we leanred a lot bruises scratches cuts and how to put and orange stick through your hand! the putty was sticky and hard to work with so we avoided that!
We learned to make handcream too

It was my sisters 8th birthday :D so we went to the exchange bar with some of her friends and a cake and celebrated there she got shed loads of JLS and Justin beiber stuff she is a huuuge fan of both of them my mum even got banners made up with her name and JLS on them she now has a very well decorated bedroom

she also took up swimming lessons and was so excited its all she ever talks about is swimming and how far she got in the pool she keeps telling us not to swallow pool water cause it makes you feel sick after wards :S
she dressed up as matlidas mum for a rold dahl themed book day at school and used half of my clothes and make up to get the look i had to do her make up too but she did look good considering her matalida costume didnt work out we had literally 30 mins to pull something else together and this is what we came up with...

my other sister started a new year at school a little while back and took up an art gcse course and is really getting in to it shes a right art boff now she loves it her room is always covered with pastles paper folders of everything just scattered every where shes growing up really fast shes wearing make up now all the time and is getting really social with every one

I WENT TO THE CIRCUS! haha! Im nearly 18 and still sat nearly dying of laughter at the clown and was amazed by the jesters at the end if you have never been to the MOSCOW STATE CIRCUS before i would go it is such an amazing show and i really enjoyed it I've always loved russian culture an the matryoshka story so to go and see this show was a big thing for me it told the story of a family seperated by the revolution and the youngest son who was seperated off he found a note from his grandmother she hints that his inheritance is hidden and only he can find it!
the acrobatics where amazing the tightrope was amazing the jesters where amazing the ribbon dancers are amazing it was all so good I cant praise it enough

I got two new matryoshka dolls one that karleigh bought me and the other my dad bought me they are tiny little hand painted ones

                                      the pink one karleigh bought me the blue one my dad bought me

I got my ear cartilage pierced i got both sides done it didnt really hurt just felt like a flick it felt odd after wards it went warm and tingly it looked so pretty and I made sure I didnt play with it and cleaned it properly so that it would be okay and nothing would go wrong...
but on Friday night the one on my right side really hurt and swelled right up and went bright red i cleaned it and took some pain killers thinking it was normal and just slept but it hurt to sleep on and 24 hours later the swelling got worse and it just hurt more i tried to calm the swelling with a cold flannel and even ice but it didnt work i ended up at the local hospital for four hours and ended up getting it painfully removed due to a near septic infection i never normally cry when im in pain i noramlly grit my teeth and bare it but last night i did cry a lot the doctor put a numbing spray on it but didnt give it enough time to work so i felt everything he used two pairs of forceps and pulled from both sides it bled a lot and it wept all the poison out so today its not looking too healthy and is still swollen and very tender....

its funny cause last night I said the left one was fine and this morning it started to swell so i took that one out before it can get any worse...I'm now on antibiotics

and am not a very happy bunny because i had to miss my fire training today!

Its my 18th soon so I'm going to a chinese buffet with my sisters sophie and karleigh and my parents then my dads going to take the girl to my nans and we are going out for drinks after wards :) I get my new tattoo done as well! EXCITED!! Ten more sleeps!!!!

Well I guess thats it :) I'm off to go make stuffing for my roast :D nom nom xx

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