Friday 6 May 2011

6th of may 2011 19:01-19:10


I wanna be a kid but the whole time my parents are arguing im made to be the adult all day ive been cooking cleaning and everything else i walked down to dockside to get money from my mum to top up the electric went down the school to collect the youngest and she was fine when she got home now shes being a BRAT shes screaming and shouting and thinking she owns the place my mum and dad aren't doing anything about it im trying my hardest to ignore her cause if i go and sort her out ill lose my temper and ive kept it for this long but its slowly slipping -____-
all i wanna do is run out side and scream iam that stressed out about everything thats gone on today its just all got on top of me and im in the worst mood going
mums in a dad mood cause of dad dads in babd mood cause of mum and im in a bad mood cause im exepected to do everything!! all cause they cant grow up!
I had a good morning i guess making donuts with karleigh was a laugh even if they do look like overgrown monster chicken balls it was still pretty good fun and very messy :)
been texting my wonderful hubby most of the day he stayed up the whole night and fell asleep ten mins before he was supposed to go out bless him :)
im off to tidy my room and have a bath
update later

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