Sunday 8 May 2011

8th May 2011 18:39-18:52

today has been long stressful and frankly quite depressing
it started out okay until i was sat on the door step for 20 mins with karleigh then i went shopping up the town with my sister to buy all the ingredients for dinner tonight that never actually happened cause mum thought we had chicken and we dont :/ not her fault but i did get the ump quite badly
after i took ten minutes in my room to calm down i went out to the kitchen got the fish out of the freezer heated the oven up and began to lay the fish out ona baking tray only for my dad to critisize and my mum to sit there bitching about how she didnt want fish this pissed me off so i went and sat out the garden where my drunk neighbour was screaming about how much of a lazy lump i am and how much i piss her off by listening to shit she said shes gonna write to the council and try to get us kicked out and if that doesnt work shes gonna "kick our fucking manky teeth out and then knock their shit hole of a house down with the cunts still in it" totally uncalled for this lead to another argument with mum cause i lost my temper and had a major bitching sesion about them my mum said wow aren't you grown up such a big girl you are im quivering -__- just the attitude she should have :/
so i go to my room and sit down start blogging and have them running up and down out side and bitching about my right out side my bedroom window (my bedroom is on the ground floor) this was going on for about 20-30 minutes
i dont know why they have got this personal hate campaign against me i haven't done anything wrong so me and my mum play loud music occasionally but its during the day whilst we are doing house work we dont let our kids run around and play with other peoples front gates i dont let a 16 year old bully a 13 year old as she walks home i dont sing at the top of my lungs to adele at nearly midnight and i deffinately dont fucking stand on a wall out side wearing next to nothing groping my tits shoving my hand down the front of my underwear whilst having phone sex with my boyfriend (i dont have one thats why) so how they can say we are bad neighbours is beyond me
Ive been texting mt hubby today he seems to have lightened my mood a little but then again he always does :) i do loves my hubby teehee
i might update later depends how i feel i knacker my self out when i get wound up

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