Sunday 12 June 2011

Riverside Fire & Rescue Service Weekend :)

So this weekend I have been totally rushed off my feet. On Saturday I got up at 8:15 to get picked up at just gone 9 to accompany my local fire and rescue service on a school visit at 9:45 I was eventually picked up and taken to wear we normally keep the engines ready to have left by eleven and get to the school for twelve to be ready to open at one. Due to a faulty fire engine we ended up leaving the holder at 12:45 and getting to the school and opening late at 1:30 after a long day of standing in the rain and dealing with kids we had more problems with our 1994 Dennis Rapier and this put us getting home at risk we needed to do something fast cause it was getting late we eventually got it working and we were all still in good spirits but I could not wait to get home my feet hurt my back hurt and I was cold and wet!
By the time I got home it was just arguments so I took the dog for a walk and had a curry down my nans with karleigh.
My mentee Emma being subtle with a bottle of coke

Emma the bag thiefe once again being so subtle and yes that is my bag 
Me eating ice cream and making a shelter out of the pump locker :)

I got in to bed and my bed has never been comfier I checked my texts one last time and had one saying I was being picked up again at 8:15 to go to wrotham and do fire cover for an event on their show ground this took place today but it was a total wash out it was wet cold and miserable I spent most of the day in the motors eating :/ had a walk around once or twice but thats about it the event was not supposed to finish until 5 this evening but due to weather conditions all the exhibitors packed up early and left by 5:20 we were half way home
how ever I saw some gorgeous old cadillacs that I fell in love with I've always been in love with cadillacs since I was small I adore them and to see two vintage Elvis Presley style Caddys was amazing I was sad to see them leave to own a Cadillac is one of my biggest asiprations :)

The pink one

the black one

Gorgeous :'D

Also today they had Kojack an American Bald Eagle his wing span from tip to tip was 7 feet and he weight little over 2 stone this bird was a monster he could eat a goose in one sitting  but was still so graceful and beautiful at the same time
Kojack during his display

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