Saturday 7 May 2011

07 May 2011 22:12

today has been BAD!

my memory stick broke and its full of school work and pictures of my friend who passed away :( all my musics gone everything
the neighbours called me fat and that started an argument they where pathetic to shut OUR gate i have no idea why but i played music really loud to get back at them :) i found out the fat slag nextdoor has some sort of mental problem which i dont actually believe cause shes a total bitch and always taking the piss out of my mental instability! NURGHH!
i went down tescos and bought a vienetta ice cream slab and yes i ate the whole thing im an emotional eater and ill admit to that but after i eat i feel guilty which is stupid :/ but its all a part of me and i should learn to love that
well that was deep :)
stan smith is in family guy O.o riiiight

im making dinner tomorrow i really wish i had moved on to catering at college instead of performing arts warren said catering is stressful cause its a small space and a long day and tempers run high so i would probably just get thrown out
but any way im flattered that my mum is allowing me to cook from scratch it means she trusts me and wants to try my food :)
im making chicken rarebits it sounds delish and ill post a recipie in a sec
warrens out tonight and he was texting me while i was trying to clean my room it took a while lol
hes still my hubby though and im happy hes taking time out for him self he deserves it hes done alot for other people lately including me so if anyone deserves a night out its deffinately him :)
i started taking the pill again today i had the week off thing and now its back to normal again i was petrified i would forget to take it :/
ill probably update tomorrow now cause its getting late

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