Monday 23 May 2011

23rd May 2011

hehe long time since I've updated :)
well I went to the doctors and now have to go for blood tests tomorrow but I hate needles they want to test me for anemia which is where the body doesnt have enough red blood cells this can be dangerous because reb blood cells supply oxygen to body tissues so fingers crossed I get the all clear on that one the second blood test is for thyroid glads which are in your neck they release the hormone that helps control the metabolism I don't under stand what could be wrong with them :/
I start psychotherapy on thursday at 9:30 in the morning so karleigh is staying round on wednesday to take the little one to school I'm actually quite worried about it to be honest because I've never been to the place where I have to go for it I don't know the person I don't know what to talk about.
Me and Karleigh went on an expodition the other day lmao we went down this road we had never been down and ended up some where we didnt know carried on walking until we ended up outside canada house a place I know all too well!
hmmm I better go and find the washing basket so I can put the washing out on the line :)
update later

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