Tuesday 3 May 2011

3rd May 2011 23:14

such a looooooooooooooong boring evening!
been a bit of drama though so i guess that was kinda exciting :/
been texting my wonderful hubby (lol) most of the evening to see what hes been up to i learned that he will save me from spiders and he can lay flooring too :) he has his uses
off to nannys tomorrow i need to ring her in the morning when i get up to let her know im on my way :) dont want to scare her she calls me mortitia as it is -___- she wont drop the goth period
my back hurts for some strange reason
and i cant help but notice that this post is just rambling on and on
well i gave out relationship advice :D some friend of mine likes a girl and doesnt know how to tell her
confronted an arse hole this is why i hate face book random arse holes add me chat me up then turn in to dicks i never fall for sweet chat up lines unless i know they are genuine so this muppet shit out really
helped a friend give out medical advice woo i can stem bleeding! *feels epic*
and i noticed that my fringe is actually wonky and now im racking my brains trying to find away to sort it with out resorting to cutting it :/

im actually quite excited about seeing my nanny tomorrow i lubbs her :D

my obsessive ex wont leave me alone


warren made me smile like an idiot with his random kiss and the whole wifey situation lol :D thanks warren you have cheered me up a lot today <3

its a good end to an average day :)

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