Wednesday 4 May 2011

4th May 2011

Boring day AGAIN!!
My old performing arts class had their brook performance today :/ would have been nice to be a part of it but hey they're all bitches any way and I know what it would have been like and i cant be asked with all the bitching and arguing its pointless life is too short!
Was supposed to go to my nans but she wasnt in and im not sure i could be bothered any way :/ so i stayed home reading my mum embarrassing conversations between karleigh and vay this led to a conversation about his nuts :s not too sure why my mum was asking about his nuts but then again im not sure i wanna know :/
been texting my hubby most of the day whos been slaving over laying his mums new flooring bless him :(
spent the day with karleigh and im only putting this cause shes reading over my shoulder lmao :P awwwa i lubbs her shes a bit like thrush at times but i still lubbs her :) I've got her company all night tonight too :)
chicken for dinner i only know that cause im cooking it -___-
no plans for tomorrow yet probably play it by ear though
bleurgh im lost for what to put again
the hubby has been dog sitting again bless him he does a lot for my brother and ash and they dont even get him a can of moster to make up for it lol
i dunno what else to put so ill update later or something :)

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