Friday 6 May 2011

6th may 2011 02:39 am- 02:55 am

this looks so good right now :/
my bed just not that comfy at all right now i just cant seem to get comfortable:/
i really dont wanna pull another all nighter but it looks as though its going that way i will end up killing my self eventually lol i dont mind the longer i stay up the more chilled i seem to be the next day
I still havent actually recovered from the fact that my mum stole my fish finger sandwich!
been texting the hubby again all night hes such a trooper hes got to be up and out before half eight and is still up bless him hes gonna be knackered although a few cans of monster he dhould be okay lol
im now watching the bratz movie for the third time cause im too damn lazy to change the dvd and its  actually a pretty good film lol
i dont know what im doing tomorrow probably fuck all again but im hoping that tthe girls are down my nans so that ive got the evening to my self and karleigh can stay over shes stayed so often if feels weird to have a big bed to my self :/
now thats out of the way :P lmao
spent most of the evening lusting over this one song ive got a different version of it but now ive found the original im in love lol its been playing for most of the night and thats quite sad
i really should get up and turn the heater off i cant breath but it was so cold in here cause of the two fucking vents ive got in my room -___- stupid landloard put them in
i got a message earlier asking how old my daughter is im sat there like "bitch i dont even have kids!" i was really shocked people actually think im a slut so i wanna be a model that makes me a slut well if you think that then obviously you are small minded arent you??
urrrgh my back hurts still!
im going to be a rebel and post the lyrics to the song im playing on repeat :D its really soppy its stupid its was orginally by britney spears then joanne and then emilia de poret the only version i havent downloaded would be the britney spears version
i cant be asked to do my nails any more and ive only done one hand :/ oops
maybe i should have waited until tomorrow, although i can remember how i learned that nails can actually tan! when i was about 13 i was in my "goth" phase my nails where permenantly black until one day my mum made me take my nail varnish off to let my nails "breath" i was gobsmacked cause my hands where an olive colour and my nails where pure white! lol it looked very odd but very funny
ive worn my brain out and now i think the heat is getting to me cause im starting to droop a little bit
oh well lets see what today has got lined up for me :D
update later

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