Sunday 19 June 2011

12th may 2010

not an awful lot has happened since i last updated except i cooked all most threw uncooked chicken across the kitchen got cheese sauce on the back door turned my fridge in to dave (ill post a pic later) and had an argument with my dad all good times
I dont really remember much from today i got up some where around eleven and went down tescos after bugging my mum for a bit I've felt like crap all day to be honest cause i had a late night/ early morning
I had something to eat chicken and mushroom pie FTW and a frijj banana milkshake BANG  goes the diet lol while i was down tescos i saw one of the old "it" girls with a pram with a new born in it im not sure if its hers or her mums cause i havent seen her in months and i know her mum was pregnant
I found out one of the girls from my class is pregnant everyone is getting pregnant! I would like kids but not now cause i know i wouldnt cope with them so im gonna wait until i know i can raise them and support them :) *sensible shannen*
had a row with my dad over the washing up cause Tuesday i cleaned the entire house top to bottom polished hoovered sprayed scrubbed washed everything and then wednesday i done the washing up and cooked dinner now hes wanting me to do the washing up again!
Hes told me that im going out job hunting next week jokes on you big man I've got no cvs left HA!
I'm just sick of him always trying to tell me what to do i wann know how long this is gonna carry on for am i gonna get a phone call when i 30 asking if im doing the washing up?? it just pisses me off im out of school with depression ffs! that generally means i cant get a fucking job you knob head!!!
I cant wait for tomorrow I really fucking can't Karleighs parents are away for the weekend and im at hers till sunday night when we are both down mine it gets me away fron here it gets me away from dick face and i cant fucking wait!!! tomorrow needs to hurry up and get here!
update later

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