Tuesday 3 May 2011

3rd May 2011 05:52am

mmm ten to six in the morning and i still havent slept last night was a bit bumpy i had a row with my best boy mate and we both got really worked up and for some reason i was really emotional i was just slobbing all night doing nothing but blogging! now im just waiting for a text from karleigh but she doesnt get up until half eight so ive got a little while to wait yet i might have sent her all my feelings by text at twenty to four this morning (y) so ya know im gonna get a few texts.
just waiting for my sister to get up in ten minutes then my dad my other sister then my mum so i can sit in here pretending to sleep and blissfully ignoring them until they go to work/school/to do the school run then i might emerge from my pit wait for karleigh have a bit of breakfast then chill and hope for the best for the rest of the day :)
up date later ;)

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