Wednesday 29 June 2011

So True!

What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)
What goes around comes back around (hey my baby)

There was a time
I thought, that you did everything right
No lies, no wrong
Boy I, must've been outta my mind
So when I think of the time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and I saw the real you

Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
So baby good lookin' out

I wanted you bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
I bet it sucks to be you right now

So sad, you're hurt
Boo hoo, oh, did you expect me to care?
You don't deserve my tears
I guess that's why they ain't there
When I think that there was a time that I almost loved you
You showed your ass and baby yes I saw the real you

Thank God you blew it
Thank God I dodged the bullet
I'm so over you
Baby good lookin' out

I wanted you bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
I said, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I'll never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby I bet sucks to be you right now

I know you want me back
It's time to face the facts
That I'm the one that's got away
Lord knows that it would take another place, another time, another world, another life
Thank God I found the good in goodbye

I used to want you so bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I will always be the, best thing you never had.
Best thing you never had!

I used to want you so bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh I will never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby, I bet it sucks to be you right now

Goes around, comes back around
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Rainy day!

I got my storm!!! :D I'm so happy! It's still pretty humid though this morning it was sweltering hot then by two it was grey and cloudy and thundering then it started hammering it down! then the thunder whiped up and karleigh got scared bless her
but now the strom is calming and its gone back to being hot and humid :(

The bottom pic isnt edited its just the way that rain was on the window

My room is finally clean!

It was a long time and a lot of organizing but I got it done!
Now I'm going to bed after all it is 02:47 am I think I deserve it after 3 hours of tidying up!
Got Karleigh round tomorrow night and I'm still super stoked about college but for now I'm off
Goodnight all
update soon

Monday 27 June 2011

My room needs cleaning :/


I met up with Karleigh done a little shopping in superdrug but nothing too exciting we ate lunch together totally gorged on ice cream and soft drinks cause it's just so damn hot! I'm hoping for rain tomorrow cause I can not go another day in this damn heat!
I used my beauty card for the first time and i gained a few points but I'm not sure what they add up to I guess I need to find out.
I bought a few things black eyeliner make up remover wipes (the cream I didn't buy today lol but its garnier pur natural imperfection eraser)
and an awesome barry M nail polish that cracks as it drys and leaves an amazing effect on your nails I'm totally in love with it!

I got quite possibly THE best letter I could ever have gotten in my life ever today

I was so happy I nearly cried lmao and oh so appropriately gaga's edge of glory played on a music channel I was watching! I phoned my dad nearly in tears I was so happy because it means I'm actually getting some where I'm getting closer and closer to my salon I can't wait for the interview it even said on the letter an interview often leads to a place on the course! I feel amazing! :D
Now I'm off to straighten my hair and apply after sun
Update again soon <3

Sleeping lolly!

Lolly exploring the bath

She is such a pain in the ass!

Getting snap happy with Karleigh

Busy few days!!

It's been a few days since I updated and my god has it been busy!
On saturday I had fire training (The public relations sector) and I was doing a school fete and I had some right little horrors I had pennys thrown at my head and was pelted with sponges I nearly got in a fight with an air cadet because I said excuse me she didn't move so I was less polite next time I told her to move! and she tried picking a fight I just walked away and was then told I out rank them any way so they need to show me respect all the time :D I was very smug as you can imagine! Their marching was a total shambles they where out of line with each other out of time clumsy tripping over nothing the lot then they had to salute our fire personell that was even funnier. oh well I got a monster cupcake it was pink with edible glitter and a litte marzipan heart and it tasted delicious :D

On Sunday I walked up Karleighs it was so hot I got my legs out and just ended up burning my chest really really bad its really sore!
We spent the day up karleighs we ate cheese on toast :) and just dossed it was much cooler inside than it was out doors and so much more comfertable

Its red raw!!
at 11 o clock last night my dad decided to start a row about karleigh he called me a little bitch so I called him a dick very mature I know but now we are cool I suppose it all started because apparently Karleigh is banned from the house bull and shit! He said she might be able to stay tomorrow so I win again :)
I got snap happy with karleigh I'll post the pics in a second Sunday was a good day

Thursday 23 June 2011

After I have sorted the washing I'm off walking the dog again :)

I just wanna move :3

Just got back!

its been a long day I met Karleigh at 11 then went to the college and she applied then we just dossed around the highstreet we drank a litre of juice each :D nom nom tropical juice :)
I went to the doctors and got pills for the next 6 months so thats another thing off my mind for a little while and now I'm contemplating going for a run which is weird cause I never normally have the confidence for anything like that.
So no I'm not going for a run I'm going to take the dog out for another walk instead.
My teacher never did get back in touch so I guess I've got another night on the netbook :)
all is good right now
update later

And I'm off out!

I'm off out to see my bestie! I really like my outfit today :)
I ahve doctors at 2:15 -___- but I'm not going up the school because the head never text me back! ¬.¬ thats always helpful
I have ten minutes until I leave which I'm going to use to put all my make up and the ironing board away!
anyways heres a pic of my outfit
jeans: primark
shirt: select
vest: peacocks
necklace: new look
belt: peacocks

Wednesday 22 June 2011

an ice sculpture showing an angel leaning on the shoulder of an exhausted fireman cluthing the american flag

I get to see my karleigh tomorrow :D

Whilst walking lolly earlier I saw a rainbow!

really immature yes I know but so fucking pretty :D

I feel possitively sick to my stomach....

I'm sitting in my room crying because of my mum and sister
I went to the local college today and applied for a course but because I've been in education before I need to go and get a reference from my old school so I made plans with Karleigh to walk down to the college get her application handed in and then go to the school and get our references done together then we were gonna go back to mine and just doss because to be frank we are both lazy bums but my dad kicked off about Karleigh always coming round I asked why it would affect him if hes at work all day any way so that pissed me off. Then lily started shouting her mouth off at me and just being plain rude I told her to go away and get out of my face cause shes only 7 then my mum accused me of threatening me told me to grow up and stop being pathetic then she GROUNDED ME at the age of fucking 17 I'm grounded!!! So I said well it doesnt look like I'll be getting a reference then does it and she went you wasn't going to any way cause you are a fat lazy cunt who wont do anything with out karleigh holding your hand. I hate being called fat! Especially by my mother! I'm so fucking hurt by it but any way my dad then went on to say you think you are so big and clever well you have got 2 months to find a job or your going I can't fucking put up with you!
I didn't think parents where supposed to have faves but mine so obviously do its unreal and I cant be fucked with them any more the lack of faith they have in me is really upsettingI can't honestly believe my mum would say that but its not the first time she said it she said it a few weeks back as well kept telling me I'm a fuck up and a let down!
No wonder I feel the way I do about my self when the people who are supposed to care about me actually don't

Well isn't this fantastic!

I just emailed the old head of sixth form shes asked for my netbook charger case and ID and swipe cards back or I dont get my reference but we moved not long ago and I dont know where the cards are so thats put college at risk.
so yeah now my mood has gone down and the future isn't looking so bright

I'm going to tidy my room now :)

back in a bit :D

I'm slowly moving forward....

Today I went and applied to the college.
and to be honest I'm nervous they said it would take 2-3 weeks to get back to me :S
I'm going to get a reference from school tomorrow I've just emailed the head of my sixth form to ask her for a reference
Its weird I feel strangely lighter and I can't stop smiling :) its a really amazing feeling I feel so excited and everything seems brighter :D
so so happy at the moment because I can finally leave the past behind :D

Monday 20 June 2011

Zoe's half brothers mother added me on facebook shes also friends with my mums ex??

Long day!

Ugh all I'v done today is washing and drying and tidying up!
The dog was a bitch when I walked her I've sorted out nearly every scrap of clothing in this whole house even in my parents room!
and I got no thanks what so ever!
lily may is puking so im baby sitting tomorrow as well as doing more washing and drying and folding and organizing
I'm absolutely nakered Im struggling to keep my eyes open my neck hurts and so does my head i really should go to bed but i cant be arsed i dont want to
Now im sitting on the floor watching eastenders with my mum and dad with the dog on my leg!

The amy!

the hair and the lips

You cant see it too great but I used pink black silver and white on my eyes then black mascara pencil and liquid eyeliner

The real deal



It's 02:12 in the morning and I can't stop crying I actually feel like ripping myself open

Sunday 19 June 2011


James Owen Sullivan
The Reverend Tholomew Plague
Monday February 9th 1981 ~ Monday December 28th 2009

Fathers day :D

This is me and my daddy :)
I've always been a daddys girl always so today I got him a card and a small gift to say thanks cause he doesnt get paid for putting up with my antics even though he should because I'm a high maintenance bitch :) but he still loves me and I'm blatantly his fave any way so I treat him with love and care the same way he treats me sure we argue but who doesnt argue with their parents
that doesnt mean I don't love him :)

Gabriel "coco" Chanel

This glamorous elegant french woman is the epitome of simplicity and class she is one of five siblings born and raised by her mother and father in france her real name was Gabriel
She learned how to be a seamstress after her mother died and her father left the family she was forced in to an orphanage but during the vacations she was with family who taught her more than any one ever could

UV Nail polish!

This is really awesome you paint your nails as normal and wait for them to dry then you paint this clear top coat on and shine a uv light on it!

Amy Nicoletto

this gorgeous tattoo artist is a stunner she is a typical Jersey girl and I love her attitude :D
I love her pink make up look and I tried it today it doesnt look that bad so I'm going to try again tomorrow and post the out come :D

Nails by jazmyne

Jazmyne is my friends sons girlfriend she is 12 and the other day she asked if she could paint my "lovely" nails and I said yes thinking I would probably have to take it all off and clean up the mess and re paint them later on but I was pleasently suprised she was very professional very gentle and the concentration was amazing
She free handed the black tip her self!
I'm so impressed and deffo know where Iam going in the future :D

:O look what my nan gave meeee :D

How gorgeous is this?? It's just a coaster but still! How gorgeous is this??
So happy with it

fave read right now

New floral clip from Karleigh

lolly loves jim-bear :D

Look what I got :D

om nom nom :D

Last night...

My parents went out and we sent the little one to bed and me Karleigh and devon decided to stay up playing around whilst watching L.A ink and Miami ink
Devon getting excited

Karleigh drinking her tea

Karleigh looking quite pretty actually

Devon being a dick

me and devon looking foooiyne

Karleigh being impressed

Devons happy face

after watching people tattoo on the telley I decided to have ago with a biro and devons arm :)


shark attack
I think they look good

Perfume :D

Chanel no5 (yes its real)
charlie white
body shop neroli jasmine
similar 2 paris
britney spears curious
davidoff cool water
play boy play it lovely
playboy play is spicy
kerry katona outrageous

More lolly!

Lolly's bling!
its a bit scratched up she keeps trying to bite it -___-